“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.”
Nolan Bushnell

Monday, December 23, 2013

Developing a unique and abundant lifestyle

Most people desire to live life according to the way they want. A life that allows them to do things they want and still have enough energy, money, time and love to share with those close to their heart. Does this sound like you? If it does, then you have obviously been contemplating on your lifestyle.


Often times we marvel at the life of wealthy and powerful people we know. They travel extensively. Wine and dine in the finest restaurants. Wear the latest fashion. Go on exotic vacations. On the other extreme, we see some people living very simple lives with just enough to keep them going. Let me give you a simple example.

There is a whole world difference between a Thai Buddhist monk and a Thai multimillionaire though they come from the same country, speaks the same language.

Difference, rather, is not in the material things the multimillionaire has compared to the monk. The difference is in the mind. The millionaire has a financially wealthy mindset and so created a financially wealthy lifestyle. The monk however also has a wealthy mindset, but has what I call spiritually wealthy mindset. As a result leads a spiritually wealthy lifestyle.

In ethical sense, neither the multimillionaire nor the monk is perceived wrong in the way they chose and build their life. Every day, ordinary people like you and I make decisions that affect our life and future. For instance, supposing you have an extra $10 in your hand (Note. I said extra), would you save it or spend it?

 Whether you save it or spend it will determine your life in many years to come. $10 sounds like nothing. You may say, “Fair enough, I’ll spend it”. If you kept spending extra $10, five ten years from now, you would have lost so much money. Imagine if you saved that small $10 somewhere in a revenue generating asset.

Tapping into source of uniqueness and abundance

I really wish there was formula I could give it to you to develop a lifestyle unique and abundant. Unfortunately I can’t. What I have come to realise after building my online home base business is that you are the sole captain of your ship. You are the one to build create the life you desire.

 Mother Teresa once said “I am just a pencil in God’s hand”. How true. Universe, God or the Higher Power you believe in gave you the willpower to decide and build your life. In you is a power high than any power on earth. It is your infinite intelligence. Some call it soul. I guess others call it spirit.

 I call it my internal landscape. You have to tap into this source, open the floodgates and success will flow to you. The million dollar question is how?

I really want to make it simple for you without being overtly religious or scientific. Offcourse in religions we talk about, purification, meditation and all this. In quantum physics we may talks about Law of Attraction. Put all that away and ask yourself these simple questions.

Apart from money, what really makes my heart leap in joy? What do I really love doing without anyone telling me to do and that gives me a peaceful, lovely and abundant feeling. What can I do best that others can’t? These are questions of uniqueness and abundance.

Educate yourself to achieve the lifestyle you desire

A lawyer has to go to college to learn to be a lawyer and so is an accountant. Our monk friend has to spend years in monastery. The millionaire also has to spend years learning, failing and doing it right and keep going until he becomes millionaire. Creating unique and abundant lifestyle isn’t easy but is possible.

 Here are few things you must do; starting studying lifestyle of those whose lifestyle you desire.

• Set SMART (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Realistic and Timely) goals now. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
• Associate with people of quality and substance
• Master the language of lifestyle you want. If you want to be financially free, speak business and investment language. If you want to be spiritually astute study religion and spiritual gurus and their work
• Read the books they read.
• Attend seminars or conference they attend
• Avoid negative people that would lead you astray of following your dream

Now its left to you to choose your part.. Be a Smart beginner and master the game in order to be a good player. So, go out there and make it happen.

To your success
Lucy Bieri

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